As we go through life, we are exposed to situations that we can learn from, including people and environment.
Advice: Concerning allergies-1 teaspoon of bee pollen with a full glass of water, every day as soon as you get up after sleeping; make it the first thing you put into your body. Don't start with a full teaspoon; you need to get your body used to it by starting out with just 1/4 of a teaspoon for a week, then 1/2 a teaspoon for a week, and continue adding 1/4 of a teaspoon per week.
Advice: Never presume to know your spouse/life partner; they are as unique (if not more so) as you.
Advice: Bananas do well in the refrigerator--their freshness can be prolonged.
...Reply: You can also freeze bananas and use them later in the blender for smoothies.
...Reply: It's also good to cut off the stem of bananas as soon as possible.
...Reply: Peeling bananas from the back does NOT unsure you won't have to deal with the stringy peal things.
Advice: (old?) DSL at 768Kbps will yield good speed tests, but actual download speeds are less than 100Kbps!
...Reply: It all has to do with bits vs bytes (per second)--divide bytes by 8 to get bits.
Advice: Do unto others as they do unto you.
Advice: The following concerns spouses.
(1) A soul mate can be different from a life mate.
(2) Never underestimate or belittle yourself to you OR your spouse.
(3) Listen and learn from your spouse; it may cut down on the divorce rate.
(4) Your marriage may last longer if you marry someone who is not like your mother or father.
(5) You've heard of friends with benefits; there can also be spouses with benefits.
(6) Sometimes it's OK to lie to your spouse.
(7) The key to a successful relationship is separate bedrooms and bathrooms.
...Reply: Married people are sometimes looking for the easy way out.
...Reply: Spouses may be either soul partners OR life partners.
...Reply: Many times it's OK to lie to your spouse.
...Reply: Sometimes its necessary to lie to your spouse.
...Reply: relationships are all about combining 2 people into 1; how can this happen if they don't share a bedroom or bathroom?
Advice: As we age, our bodies need micro-nutrients that can be found in some herbs, such as ginko, ginger, garlic and ginseng (the 4 G's).
...Reply: Herbs may have a longer shelf life if tinctures are used.
Advice: The following concerns showers and or (washing) hair.
(1) Use water that is as hot as you can tolerate.
(2) Inhale as much steam as possible; this will help to hydrate your lungs, which can be beneficial.
(3) Use a washrag to soap your body; this helps to get rid of old skin.
(4) Rinse in hot water 1st, then cold; hot water heaters may have debris which may be harmful.
(5) When washing your hair, shampoo, rinse, repeat. This may yield cleaner hair.
(6) Shampoos may contain stuff that your hair doesn't need; always use a 2nd shampoo to clean out the first one.
...Reply: Shampooing twice can wash out natural oils and dry out your skin or scalp.
...Reply: The 2nd shampoo should be simple and not contain extra unnecessary ingredients (such as Johnson's Baby shampoo).
...Reply: Washrags are sometimes not clean; which may introduce bacteria to your skin.
Advice: Think b4u talk less 2b herd more.
...Reply: A (wo)man who talks less & thinks more iz beter?
...Reply: Sometimes a little is better than a lot.